I’m the first one to admit that I’m far too trusting, which makes me an excellent target for scammers. And, unfortunately, the beauty industry is full of them. There are swindling schemers all over the place just itching to promote or invent some life altering new product that promises the world - and the newest promise involves apple stem cells. How many anti-aging serums have you spent money on only to discover they’re for naught? How many times have you read the label on a “natural” product only to discover some not so natural chemical ingredients? Probably too many.

About a year ago, Marta wrote about apple stem cell cream. Though her initial write up was dismissive, she thought it was only fair to see if any new research has surfaced that may clear the seemingly inconceivable product’s name.

I was excited when I first began to research apple stem cells. According to an article by Dr. Gary Goldfaden published in Life Extension Magazine, plant-derived stem cells are absolutely the way to combat aging skin. In rural Switzerland, an 18th century tree (or two or three) stands. The apples that these ancient trees produce happen to stay fresh for a very long period of time. Apparently, scientists have taken these long-living apples and extracted long-living stem cells from them, which just happen to be anti-aging.

Yes, I believed it. But in my defense, so did Marta! Until she discovered that that Dr. Goldfaden is the inventive manufacturer of Goldfaden Stem Cell Serum. On top of that, in the LEM published article, the good doctor calls the magical Swiss apples Uttwiler Spätlauber. A quick Google search for “Uttwiler Spätlauber” showed plenty of results – all for a skincare ingredient invented by the cosmetics industry.

In light of my newfound skepticism and secure in the knowledge that Dr. Goldfaden is clearly biased, I decided to research Life Extension Magazine, which is published by the Florida-based Life Extension Foundation. Interestingly (though perhaps not surprisingly), the nonprofit corporation Quackwatch listed the Life Extension Foundation as a “Questionable Organization.” Of course, my misgivings multiplied at this point.

Going back to Uttwiler Spätlauber, I came across a few articles that claimed that the BSB Innovation Prize in actives/naturals was awarded to Mibelle Biochemistry, the creator of PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (also known as the long-living stem cell producing apples). That sounded quite impressive to me; after all, if the company that created this anti-aging apple stem cell product had won a prize for its work, there must be some validity to its invention.

The problem is, I can’t seem to find much information on the BSB prize, except the facts and claims made on the BSB website. However, I do know that in order to be considered for the Innovation prize in the naturals or “raw materials” category, a company need not send in samples of their product. In fact, the invitation for applications for the prize asks that no samples be sent at all. Apparently, Mibelle won the prize by submitting electronic documents for review.

This information demerits Mibelle’s achievement of claiming the BSB prize, at least in my eyes. If those awarding the prize did not test samples of the apple stem cells, then Mibelle basically won an award for having a good idea. In all likelihood, the company has evidence, research, and trial studies to back up their good idea, but until there is hard proof or independent scientific research done, I’m not buying it as anything more than an appealing, futuristic concept.

Still, prominent newspapers and magazines are reporting on the astounding anti-aging qualities of this “Super Apple.” Companies including 3Lab, Clark’s Botanicals, Chantecaille, and Lancôme have all come out with their own apple stem cell creams. And they’re charging hundreds of dollars for this youth captured in a lotion, which prominent people like Michelle Obama are using to combat wrinkles.

Though I’m absolutely still skeptical about the efficacy of apple stem cells when it comes to protecting skin and preventing wrinkles, I certainly don’t think Mibelle’s claims are out of the realm of possibility. I know that some of you have tried products with apple stem cells as a key ingredient. What are they, and have they worked for you? Are the apple stem cells included in the first few ingredients?