Ambiguously sci-fi sounding name aside, Osmotics produces acutely effective products that draw upon today's most advanced skin care and hair growth technology. Founded by Steven and Francine Porter in 1993, Osmotics portentously states on its company website their goal to become the world’s premier cosmeceutical company. Given the success and effectiveness of their breakthrough hair growth and cellular lifespan enhancing products, however, it appears they have the walk to back up their talk.
The Good
Osmotics has created a good deal of web buzz, including on TIA, for introducing ingredients like teprenone and carnosine to extend the Hayflick Limit in their Renovage line, and thanks to the work researchers looking to aid hair growth in recovering chemo patients, Osmotics appropriated that technology and launched their FNS line of serums, shampoos, and enhancers featuring 18 different amino acids for growth, and tetrahydrocurcumin, a powerful antioxidant, to wide acclaim. Osmotics claims a minimalist approach to skin care, leaving out unnecessary filler chemicals and ingredients when at all possible.
The Bad
Osmotics products often sacrifice purity for performance. Though, overall, Marta was pleased with the Blue Copper 5 Molecular Repair Treatment results, (it made her hair softer, smoother, and more hydrated) she did experience a small breakout, most likely due to silicones, alcohol, lavender, laureths, or preservatives such as phenoxyethanol included in the product. And despite her recommendation of Anti-Radical Age Defense for broken capillaries, she had to rely on the glowing review of a friend, because the product made her break out.
The Truth
Make no mistake, Osmotics products work. They truly seem to have the customers’ best interest in mind, researching, formulating, and creating products that target some of aging and hair loss’ most daunting problems. The powerful ingredients they incorporate in their products work wonders for many, but are perhaps, to harsh for some. Based on Osmotics’ track record on TIA, however, it’s clear the company is committed to producing high-performance products that combine botanicals, powerful biopharmaceutical formulas, and cutting edge biotechnology in order to fight the anti-aging and hair loss war, and perhaps, become rulers of the cosmeceutical universe as is their crusade.
Featured Products
Osmotics Inner Light
Osmotics Lipofill
Osmotics FNS Revitalizing Shampoo
Osmotics FNS Revitalizing Conditioner
Osmotics FNS Follicle Nutrient Serum
Osmotics FNS Pink Ribbon Collection
Osmotics Anti-Radical Age Defense Barrier Longevity Complex
Osmotics Age Defense Barrier Repair Body Silk
Osmotics Necollete
Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Molecular Repair Treatment
Available At
Osmotics Necollété, Shielo and Suntegrity now in the TIA shop
Osmotics Nécolleté- reviewed and recommended
Osmotics Lipofill plumps marionette lines- tested and recommended
Osmotics Pink Ribbon Collection
Reviewed and Recommended: Osmotics Age Defense Barrier Repair Body Silk
Osmotics Inner Light – tested and recommended
Osmotics Renovage Cellular Eye Repair
Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Molecular Repair Treatment- reviewed and recommended
Osmotics Nécolleté- finally a product with Essenskin
Reader review: Osmotics Renovage Cellular Longevity Serum
Reviewed and rejected: Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Lip & Tuck
Osmotics Antiaging For Lips- Truth In Aging
I have never had dry skin until this past year. I have developed a consant flaking, peeling and dry crust on my lower face. I would love to try something that will treat the deeper level of dryness.
Posted on October 26, 2011 at 6:18 pm
I was introduced to the Osmotic skin care line in NYC at a Henry Bendell event last week and I love the 4 products I purchased. I would love to try this moisturizer. The Lipofill, Eye surgery, Blue Copper firming repair, and cleanser are fantastic. Love the way my skin feels!
Posted on October 26, 2011 at 8:46 pm
I'm approaching 60 and in the past 2 years I've experienced an "seasonal" dry skin problem. I live in Florida and the drop in our humidity beginning in the fall months affects my skin. I can't seem to get enough moisture - love to try the Osmotics Creme Extreme.
Posted on October 26, 2011 at 8:56 pm
I would love to try the Osmotics moisturizer to use in tandem with the crease-less product which I previously ordered.
Posted on October 26, 2011 at 8:56 pm
I would love to try something that would help with my dry skin.
Posted on October 26, 2011 at 10:39 pm
I would like to test the osmotics moisturizer for my dry skin. I actually have combo skin. But here in Minnesota the cold is pretty harsh on my face. So I would love to try it.
Posted on October 27, 2011 at 11:38 am
Hi TIA- I would love to try the Cream Extreme. I currently use their face wash as well as the Anti-Radical Age Defense Barrier Longevity Complex at night. Seeing as we are getting in to winter down here in TX I would love to put Cream Extreme to the test of a dry Texas Winter. Pick me and I promise an honest and timely review.
Posted on October 27, 2011 at 1:12 pm
A misadventure with ProActive and a lengthy sojurn in the Mojave Desert has left me with sensitive, dehydrated skin that is extremely reactive, uneven, and distressingly crepy. If you think that Osmotics Cream Extreme Barrier Repair might provide my skin with the help it needs to restore itself, I would be overjoyed to give TIA a thorough and candid review.
Posted on October 27, 2011 at 6:46 pm
I've been using Lipofill, like Marta suggested with the Sirius Aurora LED treatments (3x/wk) and I just love the way it plumps lines on my forehead. My husband says he can't see them anymore ! Yah!
I also use it on my lips and believe it or not, my lips look fuller - my husband noticed this, too..
Finally, the nasolabial area is looking very good too, an area in which it is notoriously hard to get results.
I'm going to lay off Lipofill for a bit while I try hydropeptide hydrostem+6. I expect great things from the hydrostem too!
Posted on October 28, 2011 at 12:22 am
I'm not "Dare to Try It" here. But I want to recommend the Blue Copper! It is a fabulous cream. So whomever does get to test it is in for a treat IMO. I myself just purchased Osmotics Inner Light to see what all the hype this product is about. I hate applying makeup, but would like my skin to look more refined, so... giving this a go. Good Luck, TIA'ers! ~jk
Posted on July 11, 2012 at 4:55 pm
I would love to try this product! It sounds very intriguing and I would love to see the results!
Posted on July 11, 2012 at 6:37 pm
How did I miss these products?!? I get over 30 magazines and love reading about all the new products. I moved to Denver a few months ago and the moisture in my skin has completely evaporated. Also veins have appeared on my nose. This product sounds like a possible fix.
Posted on July 11, 2012 at 8:54 pm
I'm a 31yr old single mother of an amazing 7yr old named Emilie. I'm also a licensed Esthetician who unfortunately has not worked in a salon since last August when we made the decision to move my grandmother, with stage 4 endometrium cancer, into our home to care for her. After her passing 2 months later, I made the decision to take a job, not in my field, to help out close family friends whose father is now very ill. I'm grateful for the opportunity but the environment is a complete change from working in a salon doing what I absolutely love. I'm in an office most days with flourescent lighting, a lot of dirt and dust, and minimal circulation of fresh air. The elements and stress have wreaked havoc on my skin. My skin has become dehydrated and congested, as well as dull and discolored. I'm in desperate need of a product that can deliver what my skin so desperately needs. I would be much obliged to be chosen to try this product. If it can transform my skin like the science says it can, I will be ecstatic. Thanks Marta, I love TIA!
Posted on July 12, 2012 at 4:43 am
i would love to try this product! and send you a timely review, because this is summer and i shouldn't have health issues! if you don't trust me, i understand.
Posted on July 12, 2012 at 8:06 am
Years living and working in the sun I have very dry skin! I would love to try this product. I need something that does not take a chemist to apply and show results like an engineer!
Posted on July 12, 2012 at 8:40 am
I would love to try the Copper 5 Firming Elasticity Repair...the big 50 approaches (48 on sunday) and the loss of elasticity I've seen in the last few years is really getting to me.
Posted on July 13, 2012 at 2:01 pm
I love to try different products .....It's has made me love many a products.... tell friends about about the product
Posted on July 13, 2012 at 2:03 pm
I'd love to try and review Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Firming Elasticity Repair. I'm 48 with sagging jowls and hyperpigmentation. While I've been able to find products that treat the brown spots, I've not been successful in finding ones that tighten my sagging skin. It would be terrific if this product addressed my biggest issue.
Posted on July 13, 2012 at 2:03 pm
If the 'how to use' info on Osmotics website is correct, the Blue Copper 5 Firming Elasticity Repair is a day time cream (though in another area they call it a pm cream???). I haven't found a Vitamin C serum that work for my sun damaged 53 year old skin that has some areas in need of tightening. This is said to tighten and brighten so I would love to try it and review it for TIA if its an age-appropriate product.
Posted on July 13, 2012 at 10:01 pm