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* An emollient and emulsifier

Octyldodecanol is a long-chain fatty alcohol used in a wide variety of beauty products as an emollient and emulsifier, but also rarely as a solvent and fragrance ingredient as well. It is a clear, colorless liquid that is often seen as a thickener in moisturizers because of its lubricating and emollient properties (Source).

* An emollient and emulsifier


Octyldodecanol is a long-chain fatty alcohol used in a wide variety of beauty products as an emollient and emulsifier, but also rarely as a solvent and fragrance ingredient as well. It is a clear, colorless liquid that is often seen as a thickener in moisturizers because of its lubricating and emollient properties (Source).

According to, Octyldodecanol helps to form emulsions and prevents formulas from separating into its oil and liquid components. It can also reduce the tendency of finished products to generate foam when shaken. Octyldodecanol acts as a lubricant on the skin, giving a soft, silky feel as an ingredient in lotion.

Safety Measures/Side Effects:

The EWG rates Octyldodecanol as low hazard, although it should be noted that a study published in Cosmetics and Toiletries in 1979 showed irritation occurred in tests of Octyldodecanol, even in low concentrations, and again in a study published in the Journal of Toxicology in 1985. However, both were results were found when tested on rabbits. A 2006 study found that it enhanced the irritation of other ingredients.

Recommended Products w/ Octyldodecanol:

tarte’s Vitamin Infused Lipstick, Canyon Ranch Age Transforming Concentrate Serum, Josie Maran Finger Paints, GM Collin Retinol Advanced, Nivea Visage Eye Cream, Dr. Spiller’s Celltresor Cream and Gel, Blistex Deep Renewal

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