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Truth Vitality Lux Renew - Launch Announcement Review

is a Solution for:
Acne, Fine Lines, Wrinkles
truth vitality lux renew

I am proud to announce the launch the first beauty device with ultrasound, red LED, and blue LED therapy.

Truth Vitality Lux Renew ($279 in the TIA shop) is a handheld device that unites ultrasound technology with red and blue LED light therapy, offering a revolutionary combination of at-home anti-aging treatments. 

Developed to address the skin care needs of the Truth In Aging community, Lux Renew is designed to safely deliver advanced anti-aging treatments from the comfort of home. FDA-cleared for treating facial lines and acne, Lux Renew has demonstrated visible results of clear, smooth, and firm skin with regular use. Effective on the face and neck, Lux Renew is suitable for all skin types and tones.

Lux Renew’s three modes of operation can be used sequentially (but not simultaneously) to target different skin care concerns.

  • Ultrasound improves firmness.
  • Red LED light wavelengths target water layers on elastin and improve the skin’s barrier function, helping to reduce wrinkles, rosacea and broken veins.
  • Blue LED light wavelengths penetrate the skin and produce singlet oxygen, which destroys acne-causing bacteria.

Truth Vitality Lux Renew is available for purchase for $279 in the Truth In Aging Shop. For more information on the technology behind Lux Renew, refer to Truth In Aging’s articles on therapeutic LED light and ultrasound.

Marta Wohrle is an anti-aging skin care and beauty expert and the founder/CEO of Truth In Aging. Marta is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind anti-aging product claims.

  • February 6, 2019

    by Jennifer

    I have yet to buy this. I currently use dermawand. I am wondering what the difference is and always curious about what is better. I also tried the two machines from premier p from premier the facial device in the neck device. I did not care for the facial one but I did like the one for the neck. But I like the feel of the derma wand much better and to me on caring for my skin that is my ZEN time and enjoy using devices on my face. So far derma wand is my favorite but I'm very very interested in trying a new device

  • April 13, 2018

    by Ryanne

    Hi Marta! I purchased the device about a couple years ago. Is this a different version? Is there any difference other than the green LED addition?

    Love the product SO much! Thank you!

  • October 23, 2017

    by Annalise

    I haven't tried it and I am looking for a device. I have to say the main issue I have is that there is never an impartial review if you are selling on your website...I think Martha, TIA is loosing credibility. I cannot believe there is impartial device if you have an incentive to sell. What a shame.

  • February 15, 2016

    by Marta

    Hi Marie, the results are cumulative - the more you use the device the better the effects over time.

  • February 14, 2016

    by Marie

    Are the results of using this device permanent or do they only last for a few hours?

  • October 15, 2015

    by Marta

    Hi Kevin, we don't provide output information. Output is a key measurement - and a very complex one - for diagnostic ultrasound and this is not diagnostic machine.

  • October 15, 2015

    by Kevin

    Before I purchase this device, I would like to know the total output of the Ultrasound is. I realize it is 3MHZ, but I have not been able to find any information on the actual ultrasound output. Please Help.


  • September 10, 2015

    by Marta

    Hi Christina - yes it can and with patience you will get results on those pesky knickles

  • September 9, 2015

    by Cristina

    Hello, could this device also be used on the area above the knees? for the so called kninkles?

  • January 13, 2015

    by Lisa

    Hi Marta:

    I am shopping for a good at home LED device I have narrowed it down between the Truth Vitality Lux Renew and the Baby Quasar. Can you tell me what the differences are? I am most concerned with my marrionetee lines that are getting deeper by the day! I need something fairly powerful to impact. Of course, I am not looking to have them be compeltely gone, but want them to deminish. I am seriously thinking of injections down the road and want a good device to help prolong the effects

    Anyway, just looking for an expert to give me some advice! Would appreciate if you could let me know your thoughts! I am not concerned about spending the money on the Baby Quasar. But if your device is a powerful then i would certainly get it!



  • December 14, 2014

    by Jennifer

    Hi Marta --

    I recently bought your Truth Renew Plus. I am curious why you discontinued it so soon, and how it differs from the Truth Vitality Lux.

    Thank you!

  • November 18, 2014

    by PH

    Hi Marta,
    I have the Quaser MD Plus, which I love, so I'm not looking for more LED. What I am interested in is the Ultrasound, does it help with loose/sagging skin? I have been researching and found the HS-3026 2 MHz Ultrasound Facial Massager that is suppose to improve the facial skin. Do you know anything about this product?

    Thank you! :)

  • November 6, 2014

    by Eve

    How does the Truth Vitality Lux Renew compare to the Sirius Nova Advanced Rejuvenation System?

  • November 2, 2014

    by Marta Wohrle

    Hi Gillian, we are currently conducting clinical trials and will have before/afters by the end of the year.

  • November 1, 2014

    by gilian

    Curious to see any before and after images if you have them. Also my concern is the neck, a bit of crepey skin and a dumpling under the chin. Not sagging completely but more firming would be nice! Comments?
    Cheers from Vancouver

  • October 3, 2014

    by Marta

    The wavelengths are Red LED: 650nm and Blue LED: 415nm. These are the wavelengths that the FDA required and hence are used in the Lux Renew device in order to be compliant.

  • October 3, 2014

    by Allison

    What are the FDA approved wave length of the red & blue leds? Why did you change then from your last device?

  • October 1, 2014

    by Marie

    Colleen, I saw your comment about gel. This is what I have done with the Ultra Renew Plus, and it has worked to eliminate the need to mist my face with water and has also taken away the zappy electrical feeling I was getting from the device handle into my hands. I purchased glycerine from the drug store and mixed in about half-half with my favourite toner (which is loaded with anti-oxidants and great botanicals.) A silver dollar-sized dollop in my palm covers my face and neck, has good slip, and doesn't dry out over the 30 minutes I use it. Hope this helps.

  • September 19, 2014

    by Colleen

    Hello all,

    I currently own and use (although not as much lately as I should be!) both the Ultra Renew and the Sculpt, which I will keep using. I happened to come onto your TIA site tonight as I am out of the gel, but I have been wondering about what other types of products you could recommend using with the ultrasonic treatments. In my reading of your (great!) articles, I am sure you have mentioned on different occasions of using different serum products (for hydration, etc.) Can we use most of the serums? Could you tell us what things we SHOULDN'T use with our ultra devices? (i.e. - right/wrong kind of base - oil vs. H2O, etc.) Are peptides ok to use? How about products with the growth factors, stem cells, etc.?

    I am quite interested in the Mit-Q Serum as well as some of the E'Shee prodcuts.

    If you could spare a minute and shoot me a few suggestions I would be grateful. When we are done our harvest here, it will be time again to give my face some attention after a long summer on the farm. I have the usual wrinkles, age/sun spots, etc. and I was hoping to go straight to the professional for her straight-up advice. Thanks again.


  • September 18, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Gretchen, thank you for your helpful and thorough questions. I will do my best to answer them. 1) There is no difference in the "strength" of the devices. 2) Ultrasound and ultrasonic are the same thing. 3) No the prototype devices are not unsafe or ineffective and were not found to be so by the FDA. 4) The way that the FDA works is that need to find historical precedents that have clinical and other data to support them. Without these, an applicant would have to submit new evidence based on their own clinical trials - expensive and lengthy. Because this clinical history did not exist for the green light, we had to drop it from the device - we submitted the Ultra Renew Plus. Then because the spectrum of blue light that FDA had clinical data on for help with acne was closer to violet, we were required to modify it. It isn't a question of better or stronger, it is a question of being exactly like something that the FDA already knows to be safe and effective. I hope this helps, Marta

  • September 18, 2014

    by Gretchen

    Hi Marta!

    Thanks for your detailed answers and I also believe that the FDA approval will lend assurance and credibility to your product for most consumers.

    I have a few questions that might help reassure others as well.

    Is there any difference in the "strength" of the Ultrasound and LEDs between the Ultra Renew Plus? Is Ultrasound different from Ultrasonic? Is there any reason to believe the earlier generations (like the Ultra Renew Plus) of this device have been found "ineffective" or unsafe? You mentioned the green was omitted and the blue LED was changed to more of a purple--does the purple work better? Is the Original blue LED ineffective? Why no green light? Has it been found that using the settings simultaneously is less or not effective? Why didn't the FDA approve the existing devices?

    I can understand people being upset about recently buying a "prototype" device only to have an FDA approved device come out with a name that implies that it's somehow better or stronger. However, your only alternative is to stop innovating and improving products. That doesn't make sense in any business or industry.

    Thanks, Marta, for your continued hard work--and for being so available to all of us.

  • September 16, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Leesa, we typically say 30 mins/three times a week or 15 mins/five times a week, so that should be fine. Personally, I use it four about 10 mins/five times a week and see results. Lux Renew has been designed to be flexible so I would encourage you to experiment and see what fits your schedule and gives you the best results.

  • September 16, 2014

    by Leesa

    Is it ok to use the device 15 min a day, 5 times a week? Or is that to much. Thanks

  • September 16, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Kimberly, at home devices are not as powerful as a professional machine. Typically, you would need to visit the doctor or esthetician once a month, whereas the at home devices need to be used at least 3 times a week for 10-20 minutes. However, regular use pays off and most of us do see real results.

  • September 16, 2014

    by Kimberly DeRoo

    I have just recently been reading about these treatments. Is this as effective/powerful as the similar machines they use in spas and Dr offices?

  • September 9, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Marie, thank you for recognizing what a marathon it has been (it has taken over a year). Actually, through the process I became more impressed with the FDA and the detail they go into to require that the consumer has access to products that comply with safety standards. We submitted the Plus to the FDA with all functionalities. However, we were asked to remove green light and ion as the FDA did not have clinical histories for those modes or for using all modes at the same time. There is only one engineering tweak that makes a difference in usage and that is that FDA requested that the blue light be 415nms on the cleared device. It puts it closer to violet (although it is still blue), but this is what previous trials have shown works on acne. The red light and ultrasound are unchanged. Other changes were highly detailed such as "reducing the creepage distance" for the power supply. It doesn't effect how you use the device, but ensures it complies with regulatory standards. The tweaks were of that nature.

  • September 9, 2014

    by Marie

    Dear Marta,

    This is my first post, as I'm not easily moved to do such things. I did, however, spend a lot of time reading the posts of others as well as your well thought out responses. Although I too don't put much store in FDA approval, I will commend you for the stamina it may have taken to see this through the bureaucracy involved.

    As I haven't even used my brand new Truth Renew Plus, and not being aware it was a prototype, I certainly have questions:
    * why was the green light left out of this new model?
    * why was the ion component also left out?
    * what were the engineering tweaks made on the newer model that the older one lacks?

    This is not a note of complaint, by any means. I am glad to have all the options of the Renew Plus, as well as the concurrent use of settings, at a much better price. (I also bought the Myotone Facial Toning Device at the same time, and look forward to trying out both soon.) I'd just appreciate having answers to these questions to continue to be an informed consumer. Thanks in advance for the details as I very much look forward to your response.

  • September 8, 2014

    by marta

    Hi Audrey, sorry I missed the other part of your question. Both units have five settings for the ultrasound.

  • September 8, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Cynthia, I am not trying to persuade anyone who has the prototype models to switch the new one. I am happy that you like using it, find it efficient and we were able to give you a great price. Going forward, we plan to continue to evolve our products in line with FDA specifications. For those, like Audrey, who do want to upgrade, please contact [email protected] and we'll be glad to help you out.

  • September 8, 2014

    by Audrey

    I just purchased the Ultra Renew Plus, it is in transit to me. I don't recall seeing this new option when I purchased the Renew. I cannot say for sure, but I might have spent the additional money since I do know the expense of spa treatments................. So since my interest is in the red light but more so the ultra sound for firming, please explain the difference between the 5 speeds of the newer unit vs the Renew. Also what would be the policy on returning for the upgrade?

  • September 7, 2014

    by Cynthia

    I guess I'm like the others, Maeta. I understand the'credibility' the FDA clearance brings. However, the mere fact that you can't combine protocols is a huge drawback especially the time factor. You got to give those of us satisfied w/the prototypes a reason to want to buy this next generation that costs more, is less efficient and doesn't have increased results??

  • September 6, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Kimberley, as I said in response to Pam, your device was the prototype for Lux Renew and we are not saying that one is better than the other. Many people, including me, do care about the FDA's clearance process. It means that there have been plenty of tests and tweaks to ensure the engineering meets requirements. It has, to also respond to Wendy, been a very lengthy and expensive process. While we were on that journey, we gave our community the best possible deals on the prototypes. We will continue to discover and create new cutting edge beauty products and bring them to our community.

  • September 6, 2014

    by Kimberly

    I must be dense, but how is this better then my Ultra Renew Plus? I care little for what the FDA thinks. Thanks in advance!

  • September 6, 2014

    by Wendy Gallacci

    You're offering less for a higher price.

  • September 6, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Pam, there are adjustments that we made to meet the FDA specifications. Most of them do not effect the power or efficacy. For example, we had to adjust the blue light wavelengths at FDA's request. This does not effect performance. Your device is just as good as the Lux Renew. However, we will be discontinuing the prototypes and will sell only the FDA-cleared Lux Renew.

  • September 5, 2014

    by Pam

    Marta, I still don't quite understand. My nearly new Ultra Renew Plus device also has Ultrasound and red and blue LED - even though as you mentioned it was a prototype. So, what is technically, functionally different in the Lux version?

    Is the Truth Vitality Lux Renew more powerful? Is the ultrasonic component or strength different? Does it have more powerful Red lights, or more of them?

  • September 5, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi Pam, Monica and Margie, Truth Renew and Truth Renew Plus devices are all prototypes that we've developed. We've spent the past year working with the FDA to create a new anti-aging tool that allows users to use ultrasound, red LED and blue LED to treat wrinkles and acne. The new device does not contain green LED, ionic, or the ability to combine treatments at the same time.

  • September 5, 2014

    by Marta

    Hi PJ, getting FDA approval is a lengthy and costly process in order to meet very strict engineering and consumer use criteria. If you look at every other FDA cleared device you will find that the Lux Renew is less expensive than all of them. And it has more functionality. Other devices are LED only, or microcurrent only, for example, and some are more than $100 more expensive. We chose the most competitive price and maintain three functionalities - red LED, blue LED and ultrasound.

  • September 5, 2014

    by Pam

    How is this one different from the previous one (Ultra)?

  • September 5, 2014

    by Margie Kaplan

    How is this different from the truth renew plus?
    I just recently purchased it and using results yet though ..

  • September 5, 2014

    by PJ

    $249.00!!! plus ADD tax and shipping, are you freaking kidding me!!!!
    You people are nuts thinking this high of a price, good luck with that!!!
    Do you get a kiss with that too!!!

  • September 5, 2014

    by Monica

    Is this is the same device as the Ultra New Plus that I bought about 6 months ago? I use it every day!

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