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* An acidic ester

N-Hydroxysuccinimide is used in cosmetics and beauty products as an ester often seen in eye creams. N-hydroxysuccinimide activates the elimination of blood originated pigments responsible for dark color and inflammation that causes under eye circles. "Infra-orbital shadows are due to the accumulation of hemoglobin and its coloured degradation products - biliverdin, bilirubin and iron - in the dermis and epidermis ... N-hydroxysuccinimide renders the iron soluble for natural elimination" (source).

* An acidic ester


N-Hydroxysuccinimide is used in cosmetics and beauty products as an ester often seen in eye creams. N-hydroxysuccinimide activates the elimination of blood originated pigments responsible for dark color and inflammation that causes under eye circles. "Infra-orbital shadows are due to the accumulation of hemoglobin and its coloured degradation products - biliverdin, bilirubin and iron - in the dermis and epidermis ... N-hydroxysuccinimide renders the iron soluble for natural elimination" (source).

Safety Measures/Side Effects:

Although little research was found that documented actual studies or research on N-Hydroxysuccinimide, it is slightly acidic, and is an known irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes (Wikipedia).

Recommended Products w/ N-Hydroxysuccinimide:

AG Skin Solutions Eye Serum, BeFine Food Skin Care Eye Blossom, MD Skincare Lift Lighten Eye Cream

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