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* Dissolves and delivers oxygen

Perfluorodecalin is a fluorocarbon and derivative of decalin, and used in cosmetics and beauty products as to dissolve and deliver oxygen to the skin in formulas (Wikipedia). It is also used as a skin conditioning agent, detangler, and solvent in some formulas. Perfluorodecalin's ability to dissolve oxygen is thought to revitalize skin and reduce wrinkles, increasing the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), according to research.

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* Dissolves and delivers oxygen


Perfluorodecalin is a fluorocarbon and derivative of decalin, and used in cosmetics and beauty products as to dissolve and deliver oxygen to the skin in formulas (Wikipedia). It is also used as a skin conditioning agent, detangler, and solvent in some formulas. Perfluorodecalin's ability to dissolve oxygen is thought to revitalize skin and reduce wrinkles, increasing the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), according to research.

Some studies have shown that formulas that include Perflurodecalin improve the skin’s barrier function resulting in increased moisturizing efficacy. However, there are no studies to prove that added oxygen can actually repair wrinkled skin or prevent lines from forming. Conversely, too much oxygen can enhance the number of unstable oxygen molecules which cause free radical damage.

Safety Measures/Side Effects:

The Cosmetic Database rates Perfluorodecalin as a low hazard and notes only organ toxicity at high doses unlikely to be present in cosmetic formulas. No other studies were found that showed adverse side effects to Perfluorodecalin.

Recommended Products with Perfluorodecalin:

Lumavera Oxygenating Masque, Skin Nutrition Cell CPR, Skyn Iceland’s The Antidoge Mineral Sunscreen SPF 18, Skyn Icelandic Relief Eye Cream

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