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ARCONA is known and respected for its high quality, luxury formulations and their unparalleled ability to make a positive change to the skin. Dedicated to creating the most effective skin care for both home and professional use, ARCONA products are infused with enzymatic-based ingredients such as high concentrations of antioxidants, plant lipids and extracts, sea vegetables, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Active ingredients and products are manufactured according to scientifically tested, state-of-the-art, chirally correct technology, to produce products that link up effectively with skin cell receptors for better absorption and more visible results.


ARCONA is known and respected for its high quality, luxury formulations and their unparalleled ability to make a positive change to the skin. Dedicated to creating the most effective skin care for both home and professional use, ARCONA products are infused with enzymatic-based ingredients such as high concentrations of antioxidants, plant lipids and extracts, sea vegetables, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Active ingredients and products are manufactured according to scientifically tested, state-of-the-art, chirally correct technology, to produce products that link up effectively with skin cell receptors for better absorption and more visible results.
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