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Centaurea cyanus flower extract

* Botanical Ingredient *

* An extract of the flowers from the plant annual plant (meaning it dies each year) centaurea cyanus. It's native to Europe and produces bright blue flowers. Also known as cornflower extract.


While a great deal of folklore and literary allusions surround this herbal ingredient, medicinally speaking, it is most commonly associated with eye care and as a treatment for conjunctivitis due to its anti-anti-inflammatory properties.

In cosmetics, it mainly works as an anti-inflammatory, skin conditioning agent and astringent. It's rich in polyphenols, specifically flavonoids and anthocyanins. Because it is a rather expensive ingredient, it is not used as often as many other botanical ingredients, and when it is, it's most often for an eye related product (i.e. eye cream). You may find centaurea cyanus extract in personal care products such as foundation, sunscreen, blush, facial moisturizer/lotion, eye shadow, facial powder, eye cream, anti-aging treatment and mascara.

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