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Diacetyl boldine

* Extracted from the bark of the Chilean Boldo tree. Sometimes referred to as DAB or by its trademark name Lumiskin.


This ingredient works as a skin lightening agent in skin care products. Its molecular structure resembles that of stress receptors, which leads many to believe that it has the ability to simultaneously block stress receptors and inhibit the body's melanin production (skin pigmentation). For this reason, it's often used to combat hyper-pigmentation, age spots and melasma. Small studies overseen by Louis Rinaldi, the managing director of cosmetics development at Bremenn research labs, demonstrated DAB to lighten pigmentation by 25% in test subjects who applied the ingredient daily for two months. However, a great deal of further research is required to substantiate these findings. You can find diacetyl boldine in cosmetic products such as facial moisturizer/lotion, anti-aging treatment, cleanser, sunscreen, skin fader/lightener, concealer, toner and acne treatment.

Recommended Products w/ diacetyl boldine:

3LAB Perfect "Glow" Complex, April Rain NIght Rainew

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