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Elena Rubin Incognito Eye Serum Review

is a Solution for:
Crow's Feet, Dark Circles, Fine Lines, Puffy Eyes
Elena Rubin Incognito Eye Serum
August 18, 2016 Reviewed by SarahW 1 Comment
TRU Rating
A supercharged serum that addresses all signs of aging and fatigued eyes


Firms, smooths, depuffs and brightens


Contains a few unwanted ingredients

I refused to wear braces on my teeth when I was younger and came to regret it, so I went to an orthodontist when I was 45. He took a lot of photos of my face and divided them into two sections on his screen:  “From your nose up, you have a very youthful look,” he said pointing to the top half of my face. I glowed under his praise. “But from here down, you look much older,” indicating my mouth and chin, “and there’s not much we can do.” I left feeling wrecked. From that moment on, I decided that if there wasn’t much I could do with my mouth, jaw, and marionette lines, then I was going to keep my eye area as youthful as I could.

I discovered the TIA community and immediately bought one of Marta’s favorite eye cream, Correct by Your Best Face ($150 in the shop). I loved it to pieces until a few years later when a new product came on the scene called E'shee AO Gene Therapy ($284 in the shop) and totally blew me away. Since then I’ve remained totally faithful to AO despite its high price tag. Recently, I was offered a chance to test out a new eye serum called Incognito by Elena Rubin ($119 in the shop). Surely nothing could be better than the one I had used for years. I read the blurb and was instantly seduced by Elena Rubin’s fine credentials: a Harvard engineering graduate with a high-powered career who looked like a movie star (and had a youthful upper and lower face to boot).

I started to use the eye serum morning and night and quickly became really pleased with the results. The white, silky lotion does everything E'shee AO does at half the price. I found it relaxed lines, lightened dark circles and smoothed the skin texture around my eyes. It also deflated undereye bags after late nights of too much rosé. Plus, it lasts for ages — I still have a lot left after two months.

However, though the first month was going well, using the eye serum twice a day became a teeny bit drying. I wondered if I would see improvements by alternating Incognito in the morning with the AO in the evening. The results were remarkable. There’s no more dryness, and the difference to my eye area — and my wallet — is palpable. This is the optimal eye regimen for me going forward.

As for the science? Well, Marta tested Incognito extensively over a month and her analysis of the ingredients cannot be bettered. Briefly, anything I have ever used with age-defying Matrixyl 3000 has always worked really well for my skin. Incognito also contains a slew of impressive peptides, flavonoids, botanical oils and collagen. It’s largely organic, but not all the ingredients are natural. There are a couple of preservatives, namely sodium benzoate and phenoxyethanol, that I’m not overly keen on. However, this is a really effective eye serum that I will be sticking with. 

  • August 20, 2016

    by Marta

    Thank you Sarah. I'm glad you agree that Incognito can take a place alongside the greats.

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