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Your Best Face Private Reserve- reviewed and recommended

Reviewed by Marta January 1, 2012 2 Comments


Doubles as a lip salve


May be too oily for daytime use
A no-nonsense oil that can also be paired with LED light

I must confess that when the nice people at Your Best Face told me with great excitement that they had mailed me a sample of their new facial oil, I did not jump for joy. I'm not big on oils for the skin - they seem too dry (paradoxically) or too oily (obviously) or a bit hippie dippie (somehow). Well, I suppose a good way to start the New Year is to admit that my prejudices were undeserved: YBF’s Private Reserve ($75 for 1.7oz in the shop) is a deceptively simply, versatile and very welcome addition to my bathroom.

With only four ingredients, two of them being hard-hitting antioxidants, Private Reserve is a refreshing change from all those complex formulations out there. It is oily, but not sticky or greasy.  It makes a fantastic lip salve and I love knowing that I am not licking any nasty preservatives or other toxins.

The two antioxidant ingredients are spin trap and Lipochroman-6 and they are signature Your Best Face. Spin trap is a busy little molecule that stops free radicals in their tracks before they spin out of control and do no damage. Lipochroman-6 is a radical scavenger that is supposed to be much better than resveratrol. Together, they make Private Reserve perfect for use with LED light. LED although antioxidant over the long term has a short term pro-oxidant effect. Researchers have shown that this can be counteracted with a topical antioxidant. I smear on Private Reserve just prior to using my LED light.

YBF has also launched a limited edition version with rose oil that will be on sale ($75 for 1.7oz in the TIA shop) until Valentine’s Day.

Ingredients in Original: meadowfoam seed oil, spin trap (phenyl butyl nitrone), Lipochroman-6 (dimethylmethoxy chromanol), sandalwood oil

Ingredients in Limited Edition Rose: limited edition rose: meadowfoam seed oil, spin trap (phenyl butyl nitrone), Lipochroman-6 (dimethylmethoxy chromanol), rose oil

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$ 75.00
  • November 13, 2014

    by Kimberly

    (5 out of 5)

    Well, I have been using facial oils for years, mostly DIY, so I know how great some of them are at healing our skin. I was really impressed with this. Exactly 2 pumps gets my face and neck down to my collarbone. My face feels heavenly, but too early to report any real benefits. I adore the smell too. Too bad it fades so fast. With the super antioxidant factor, I think I'll keep this in my medicine cabinet!

  • January 18, 2013

    by Susan S.

    Hi Marta,
    I'm loving facial oils these days, but have yet to try YBF's ... and these fragrances sound quite appealing. I'd be happy to give feedback.

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