Founder, Truth In Aging
Age: 50s
Location: New York
Skin Type: Fair Skin, Slightly Oily Skin, Sensitive Skin
Skin Concerns: Prone to redness and rosacea, lip lines, sun damage on neck
Like most women, I found that I had a bathroom full of half empty jars that had failed to live up to their promises. I was forever trying out the latest at Sephora and other department stores only to be disappointed. I also thought that having regular breakouts was just the way my poor old sensitive skin was. I was similarly stoic about an itchy scalp, which I simply regarded as a fact of life. Then I had an epiphany.
If you can call a bunch of unanswered questions an epiphany. What was in all this stuff I was using? What were all these unpronounceable ingredients? There had to be something out there that really worked — surely? So, I set about researching answers to my questions. Initially, I was horrified when I saw that many cosmetic ingredients were toxins and irritants. No wonder I was always breaking out whenever I trying something new. Then I became excited about some of the new breakthroughs I was coming across. Finally, I found that there were small, independent formulators making some really interesting anti-aging beauty products.
So I started blogging and sharing my findings with the rapidly growing community around Truth In Aging. Members of the community brought their own questions and suggestions. Some of the independent potion makers started reaching out to me. Your Best Face founder Darrell Owens was one of the first and his Correct eye cream restored my faith in the beauty industry.
Breakouts are rare now and an itchy scalp is a thing of the past. My skin is better than it has been in years. Sure, new wrinkles crop up, but I am keeping them under control and the overall texture and glow of my skin is a source of new self-confidence about my looks. My regimen includes some of the best things that I have ever come across, but for the record I want to say that while testers are usually given to me for free, if I want to incorporate something into my routine I will always pay full retail price. I need to walk the talk.
The real me. No makeup and after a four-
hour hike up a mountain in the rain.
Now, a bit about me: I was born in England in 1960. A former journalist, I have been in the online and digital media space for the past 20 years. I got married in 1991 to a French man, Pascal Volle (the handsomest man in the world), and then lived in Paris for a while. We came to New York around 2001 where we still live in a Garment District loft with our two cats, Esmee and Leila. Guilty about keeping them in urban captivity we bought a patch of forest in the Catskills and spend our weekends feeding the deer that our neighbors seem intent on shooting. We figure that being European allows us the latitude to be eccentric.
And no, I have never tried Botox.

Articles By Marta
June 5, 2019
TRU RatingInterview With WOWCREAM Founder Austin Nagel
You have to admit that WOWCREAM ($250 in the shop) is an audacious name and when I embarked on my test, I didn't for one second think it would live up to it. I was wrong. WOW is a really good cream that manages to be differentiated with a complex formula of clinically-proven concentrations. I was so intrigued that I figured out the time difference between Tokyo and New York to talk to WOW's Japan-based founder, Austin Nagel. I have distilled some of the highlights from our wide-ranging discussion so that you can get to ...Read More...
June 4, 2019
TRU RatingNiacinamide: Is It the B All of Anti-Aging?
To B or not to B… Niacinamide is the question. This fancy form of vitamin B3 crops up in many heavy-hitting anti-aging ingredients. Yet rarely, with notable exceptions such as WOWCREAM ($250 in the shop) or Your Best Face Hydrate B ($45 in the shop), does it take center stage. It is high time to swing our spotlight on niaciniamide.
So what’s so good about it? Ac ...
June 3, 2019
TRU RatingLove your lips
Now here’s something that I never knew until I started thinking about this post: lips have no sweat glands. Without the protective layer of sweat and oil that the rest of our bodies enjoy, lips dry out and become chapped. Even more surprising, the skin on our lips only have three to five cellular layers; compared to the 16 layers that the skin on our face has. It’s no wonder why lips can become old, thin and pinched. But there’s nothing like a good factoid to herald a call to action. Give your lips the love they badly need with these restoring treatments.
Puckering ...
May 31, 2019
TRU RatingSkinn PEP40 Youth Capsules Pure Active Peptide Concentrate
Skinn PEP40 Youth Capsules Pure Active Peptide Concentrate ($99 in the shop) won me over for the simple reason that it works. But I had a few hurdles to jump first.
While I was excited to try this peptide-packed formula, I was ambivalent about the packaging. The product comes as a set of two syringe-shaped tubes that are oversized for the 8ml/0.27oz amount of product. You cannot help but guiltily think of landfill when you open the box. On the subject of waste, I was ple ...Read More...
May 28, 2019
TRU RatingAnnoying Skin Issues — Solved!
The skin is our body’s largest organ and, obviously, the most exposed. When you think about it, the skin is remarkably resilient. Here at Truth In Aging, we devote resources to minimizing the wear and tear caused by aging, but even the best regimen can come unstuck by vexing skin conditions. You know, those annoying lumps, bumps and strange itchy things that beset us all. Since I seem to have done something in a former life to deserve more than my fair share, I consider myself something of an expert and have decided to share my solutions for annoying skin conditions. Read on to learn ...Read More...