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Age: 30-something

Location: Orinda, CA

Skin Type: Combination

Skin Concerns: I'm prone to eczema, acne and have fine lines. And I worry about sagging and loss of facial volume. I don't show it now, but it seems to be how my family ages.

If you had told me at 16 that my eczema and acne were blessings in (very clever) disguise, I would have flung my Clearasil at your head. But nearly 20 years later, I have to admit that those zits and patches of eczema taught me to take care of my skin early on, and I’m especially grateful for the Retin A that forced me to wear sunblock on a daily basis. Hypoallergenic was the first fancy skincare term I learned, then non-comedogenic, and today I’m near-fluent in the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, which makes me a useful, if not critical, cosmetics shopping companion. My bad skin also taught me to focus on the good in my face and that when it comes to dealing with zits, sometimes a little lash-and-lipstick distraction is more effective than pancake camouflage.

Because my skin reacts to stress and poor diet, I’ve come to believe that clear, happy skin is a reflection of good health. And having lost my mother to cancer, I’m especially committed to spreading the good word about products that are non-toxic and eco-friendly (though given a choice between dubious sunblock or none at all, I’d go with the SPF – we all have our weaknesses). In fact, I first discovered TIA on a Google search for mineral sunscreen, and it was love at first sight – I even remember where I was and what I was wearing (Starbucks, yellow dress). Since then, I’ve relied on TIA for all my product info and for the great reviews that help me decide what to try next. And of course, I regularly browse just for the fun of it!

TIA is a whole lot of fun, easy access to an abundance of otherwise-diffuse information, and great marketing for products I wouldn’t discover on my own. I really appreciate the well-researched information, and the opportunity to find quality products and make educated purchases. Thanks a ton everyone for all the work you do!

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Truth In Aging's Five Best

The very best to choose from for your skin concerns.

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