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Age: 20s

Location: New York City

Skin Type: Combination

Skin Concerns: Acne bumps and scars, oiliness, sunburns, preventing premature aging skin, breakouts

Erin is a small town girl with big city dreams. She holds a Masters degree in publishing from Pace University and has a love for travel, fashion and beauty. She spends much of her free time exploring New York and blogging about her adventures on her website Erin's life motto is: never stop working toward your dream because if you do, someone else will make your dream their reality.

truth in aging's five best

Truth In Aging's Five Best

The very best to choose from for your skin concerns.

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truth in aging videos

Truth In Aging Videos

Helpful how-tos and reviews from Marta and friends.

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Meet Our Contributors

The TIA community consists of our trusted reviewers.

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be inspired

Be Inspired

Inspiring thoughts and women who are aging gracefully.

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