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I am 61, live in Seattle, and have a mixed-race heritage. My mom was East Indian and Welsh, from Calcutta, India, and my dad was a German Jew. That’s how we ended up on the “left” coast, as they came from India in ’47. I have always been interested in caring for my skin, and have always had drawers full of half-used products. I found TIA a number of years ago when searching for information about “best eye creams,” and as a result was finally liberated from the need to keep trying to find something that works. I have found products on the site that really do work, and as I age, I will continue to trust Marta and other reviewers to point me in successful directions. I don’t spend so much time in department store cosmetic sections as a result, and that feels great! I’m on a pretty tight budget, so I’m careful with how I spend my beauty bucks.

I am not actually “anti” age! I am allowing my hair to go gray (so I love to wear hot-colored lipsticks), and find I actually can love some of the creases and the downward drift that is part of the map of my face: I have been around more than a few blocks in my time, and consider these changes manifestations of a life well lived and enjoyed. Seeing other beautiful older women (yes, I consider myself pretty fine most of the time) gives me hope that my own daughter, just 18, won’t beat herself up as she ages, but will find ways to love herself for her accomplishments personal and public. I am an actor, playwright and teacher, and it is my delight to show my students and audiences what “real” women are like at many ages. I am probably not one who would go under the knife to try to stop the etchings of time, but I am all for the “soft landing” that certain products can give those of us who are easing into the last great chapters of life.

truth in aging's five best

Truth In Aging's Five Best

The very best to choose from for your skin concerns.

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Truth In Aging Videos

Helpful how-tos and reviews from Marta and friends.

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Be Inspired

Inspiring thoughts and women who are aging gracefully.

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