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Age: 58

Location: California

Skin Type: Sensitive

Skin Concerns: Wrinkles, sagging and "turkey neck"

Up until this when I was about to turn 50, I had spent a small fortune on department store creams and potions that promised much and delivered little. Nothing ever really worked and we all knew it. We were paying for expensive packaging and false hope. Then I was introduced to a cream scientifically proven to have long-lasting anti-aging benefits. Along with millions of other women in the UK, I ordered my bottle and waited expectantly for it to arrive. The results were fantastic. It worked. I even felt it working, tightening my skin and easing away the lines. I knew that things in the beauty business were about to change. Forever.

A year later, we moved to California, and I discovered Marta and her burgeoning website, Truth In Aging, which had taken this revolutionary discovery and run with it. I never bought another beauty product from a department store again. Here was an intelligent, questioning, discerning group of like-minded women (and men) who examined the research and questioned the evidence before ever recommending the products that claimed to be anti-aging. The pipe dream was a reality. And my world really started to change.

I used to believe that the most important thing was what you put into your body. That an organic diet of green, leafy veggies, less meat and more exercise was the real magical formula to keep you young and beautiful. Now, I know that what you are putting on your face and body is also really important. And so it is that I have become an anti-aging junkie.

truth in aging's five best

Truth In Aging's Five Best

The very best to choose from for your skin concerns.

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truth in aging videos

Truth In Aging Videos

Helpful how-tos and reviews from Marta and friends.

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Meet Our Contributors

The TIA community consists of our trusted reviewers.

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be inspired

Be Inspired

Inspiring thoughts and women who are aging gracefully.

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