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Bar Method Change Your Body Workout DVD

by Bar Method

Bar Method Change Your Body Workout DVD
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$ 20.00

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Bar Method Change Your Body Workout DVD guides you through a 54-minute total body workout that targets the key muscles involved in body reshaping. The workout include free-weight exercises and push-ups to sculpt your arms, leg exercises and stretches performed at a portable bar or high-backed chair to sculpt and slim down your legs and hips (including the Bar Methods famous bun-lifting pretzel), core work done on a mat, and a relaxing series of final stretches.

*Note: Bar Method Ball is sold separately.

TIA Review by Marta:
I never thought 'd say that Kelly Osbourne, 25, would be an inspiration. But all credit to her. She lost 42 pounds and it stayed off (despite boyfriend breakups). Frankly, she looks fantastic. Credit goes to the Bar Method.

Inspired by Kelly's new shape, I decided to give the Bar Method a go with a DVD called Change Your Body. I loved it, stuck with it and, much to my surprise, it has changed my shape - and I am twice Kelly's age.

The Bar Method is an exercise routine that is part ballet, a dash of yoga, a pinch of pilates core work and body sculpting. It is based the muscle-shaping principles of isometrics (holding long muscular contractions). According to Bar Method founder Burr Leonard, it's a form of cardio cross-training that is akin to interval training in that it alternates between intense bursts of energy and deep stretches. It is supposed to achieve a high caloric burn and firmer muscle mass.

There are other barre exercise programs (Dailey Method, Core Fusion), but The Bar Method is my favorite. I find it more intense and precise. Slimming, sculpting and butt-lifting.

Burr urges you on with comments like "you'll look great in blue jeans after this". And, after several months of twice a week Bar Method, I did. For the first time in my entire 51 year old life, I don't feel that jeans make me look little and fat.

What you'll need: a sturdy chair or portable bar, a soft strap for stretching, two free weights (2 to 4 pounds each). No ballet bar required.

DVD formatted for the US and Canada.
International customers, please check compatibility with your DVD player.

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Our Take...

I never thought I’d say that Kelly Osbourne, 25, would be an inspiration. But all credit to her. Last year she lost 42 pounds and it stayed off (despite boyfriend breakups). Frankly, she looks fantastic. A serial dieter, she lost weight – but then gained it again – with the Atkins Diet... Read Full Article

Your Take...

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    I bought Super Sculpting and Change Your Body at the same time. Super Sculpting works the muscles more than Change Your Body, so I used Change Your Body for a couple of weeks, and then started mixing in Super Sculpting. Change Your Body is my go-to work out when I want to maintain my good work, but don't want to work hard that day.

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    The first time I tried this DVD, I thought that it was really easy. When I tried it again two days later, I no longer found that to be the case! The exercises are challenging and target the entire body. Burr's explanations are very clear, there are modifications that can be followed and I find the stretching throughout to be helpful. I highly recommend this workout and am eager to try more from Bar Method.

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    Just received this DVD a few days ago but I already LOVE it. I am 63 yrs young and was a life-time runner until about 5 yrs ago when my knee began to go out. I have tried every type of workout under the sun but wasn't successful as all of them hurt my knee badly. (Pilates, running on treadmill, step-aerobics, etc etc.) I had finally given up until I saw your post here, Marta, regarding this Barr Method. I was amazed at how my thighs, butt, and arms shook after the workout but WITHOUT pain. I am sore in all the right places: backs of arms, fronts of thighs, and butt so I know this is exactly what I needed. I love the intensity without all the jumping around and weight lifting of the other workout types. I just ordered the "ball" and can't wait to use it as well.

    Thanks Marta so much !

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    Hi Sandra

    The DVDs are NTSC standard and so you would need a multi-standard DVD player. However, you should be able to play it on your PC's DVD reader. Normally all computer drives are NTSC compatible.

  • Hi!

    can you tell me if it will Play in Portugal? at least in toshiba pc?
    Thank you!

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    Hi Jo, it is unlikely that it will play in Australia, unless you have a mutli-standard player

  • Hi Marta
    I am interested in getting the bar method change your body DVD will it play in Australia?

  • 5 stars 5 out of 5

    I love following the Bar Method on non gym days, in order to focus more on toning vs. aerobic exercises.

  • Hi Esra, the DVD is NTSC and it says it is "regioned" although it doesn't say for which region, but likely to be region 1 (US/Japan) only. We will check with the company on Monday and get back to you.

  • Marta,I am thinking of ordering this DVD, but I am reluctant if it would play in my DVD player in Turkey.
    Can you tell me if this DVD is regioned for US ?

    Thx, Esra

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Kelly Osbourne Inspired Me to Try the Bar Method

Inspired by Kelly Osborne's new shape, I decided to give The Bar Method a go with a DVD called Change Your Body. I loved it, stuck with it and, much to my surprise, it has changed my shape - and I am…

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