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Hi Alice, AQ Lash uses growth factors and Latisse uses a prostaglandin. There are significant concerns about side effects from prostaglandins. You can read about them in our article on Latisse here:
What is the difference between AQ Lash & Latisse? Latisse works, as long as you use it religiously for 4-6 weeks. However, it makes the whites of the eyes very red, and is irritating. (A friend always says, "I can tell your allergies are bad today," whenever I see her after using Latisse the night before.) How does AQ Lash compare? On their website, the model's eyes were quite red and bloodshot, so, I'm curious about your experience?
are there any side effects reported with the aq lash serum thank you
Hi Wendy, in this article there is a link in the sentence: And if anyone wants the lowdown on growth factors, there’s more information in this post. The word post links to the url below and explains what human conditioned media is.
Pamela, can you please tell us what is in the "Human Fibroblast Conditioned Media?" I just want to make sure I am not putting anything on I shouldn't be, thanks!
Slowly but surely, I’ve been adding some new products to the Truth In Aging shop and the selection in this video all have a novel form of application – as well as actually working. There is the…
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Debora
I've been using this for over a year and I won't be without this. I always make sure I have a spare on hand. My lashes are naturally very fine, thin, blonde, and not that long. This is the only thing that I've tried that helps. My lashes are still very light, but they are definitely longer. I am always surprised at how long that little bottle lasts - it goes on for several months for me. (Start including more applicators, AQ!)
One note: I've used this both with & without the AQ Eye Serum; when I've used them together I noticed some increased lash shedding. I was initially concerned, but my lashes never looked thinner at any point.
For me the best thing is that I do not need to be concerned that I'm risking my eyesight for my lashes: my eye doctor warned me away from any Bimatoprost/prostaglandin anolog due to a previous eye infection and some over-the-counter products try to disguise the ingredient to get around FDA regulations. Thank you TIA for finding safe products for us!
5 stars 1 out of 5
by AA
It stings the eyes! On top of that they don't give you enough applicators. I tried Q-tips and they end up absorbing the liquid so I had to put on the lid directly before rubbing with the Q-tip and it stings when it gets into the eye. I had been using Latisse and it's not nearly as good as Latisse.
by Marta
Hi DJ - I hear what you say and we will remove stars from any customer service or my responses to questions. We will only leave stars when we have used the product and only rate one time. Regarding the extension of our return policy, I cannot do this. We are a small company and lose money on all returns. We do invest more than other ecommerce websites in testing and publishing honest reviews to help customers be as informed as possible before risking a purchase with an industry standard 30-day policy. The comments tab is being pulled from the article page and there is a field there where comments can also be left.
by Dj
When customer service and the AQ rep add five stars every time they reply to a customer review, it skews the star rating system. At a glance, this looks like a well-reviewed product, but looking more closely I see that exactly half of the 5-star reviews are really just replies from Marta or Pamela to negative reviews from customers for whom the product did nothing. I would like to try the product because I absolutely love AQ's face serum and need a lash thickener badly. Before I splash out, though, I'd like to know if TIA decided to extend their return window on products that are supposed to "take a little longer" than 30 days to work (as Marta mentioned in her 4/5/13 review). Thank you. (By the way, I would have left this as a comment, but there was no field under the "comments" tab to add a new comment.)
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Preksha @ TIA
Hi Sally,
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your disappointing experience with AQ Lash so far.
When using AQ Lash (or any other lash growth products), it is important to take into consideration the hair growth cycle. Because we don't know what stage your lashes were in at the start of use, as well as how long each cycle can take for you, I'd strongly encourage you to continue using the lash serum as it can really vary from person to person in regards to how much time it takes to see results.
The results wil also vary. For example, Marta found that her lashes grew longer and thicker, however, when I tried it out, I felt that they didn't lengthen dramatically (I already have long lashes). It did, however, really help fill in quite large obvious gaps that were missing lashes along my lashline.
I'd encourage you to persevere and continue using the product as with regular use over time, the product can make quite a difference. It's the unfortunate truth that many hair growth products will not work in the same cadence for most individuals, but AQ Lash is one of the best we've come across and might just require a little extra time for your peepers!
5 stars 2 out of 5
by Sally
I'm on week 7 of the serum and see absolutely NO improvement in thickness, color, or length of my lashes. I'm meticulous with application.
I sent a note to AQ about the results. I was told that it does indeed work, but it is likely my lashes have reached maximum growth. So maximum growth is exactly like they've always been, yet I've spent $135.00. Very odd customer service plan.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Julie
AQ Eyelash Serum has helped increase my eyelash growth.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Preksha @ TIA
Hi Veronika,
When using AQ Lash, occasionally it can take a bit longer than 30 days for some individuals to see results. The growth you will see will also depend on the current hair growth cycle that your lashes are in. To understand a bit more on how the hair growth cycle works, you might find the following article helpful:
AQ Lash tends to last some time, as a little goes a long way. I'd advise you continue using this as it just might take a bit more time.
I hope this helps!
5 stars 2 out of 5
by Veronika
I'm sad to say that this product hasn't worked for me at all, though it may just be my stubborn lashes. I have used this for the 30 days and haven't even seen minimal results. I do have very thin and short lashes naturally, so I'm not sure if this is more of a product to "recover" what you have lost rather than help them grow?
I am going to try and use the rest of the product with q-tips and see if I get any growth, in that case I will do a new review. Very disappointing as I was praying this would work for me, so I don't have to wear extensions everyday...
Does anyone have any suggestions of what to try next? I would be happy if I could just curl my lashes and put on mascara and go, rather than bothering with falsies / extensions almost everyday.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Erica
AQ Lash is an excellent lash and brow product. I had been using AQ Eye Serum because Marta said it was a two-fer, a terrific eye serum that also enhanced lash growth. She was right. The eye serum was fantastic and worked as promised. But when I went to reorder my second bottle, it was out of stock. I purchased AQ Lash instead. Wow! Talk about longer, thicker, darker, more youthful looking lashes! My lashes are pale, but have taken on a bit of color near the roots, thanks to AQ. The formula has never irritated my eyes. And a little goes a long way; a drop per eye on the applicator is all I need each night. I've been using the little bottle for months, with no end in sight. I used to wear more eye makeup to add definition to my pale complexion. Most days, I now just use a subtle mascara and a touch of coverup.
by Michele Watson
I am just using the eye serum which is cheaper and seeing good results. Don't know if there is a difference in formulation but the eye serum is working on my lashes for sure!
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Pamela Xiong
Hi Gloria,
So glad to hear you are having such a wonderful experience with the product! The applicators I've found I can buy at a beauty supply store for like $3. Sallys will often have them, they are disposable lipgloss applicators.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Gloria
Well I have been using AQ Lash now for about 5 – 6 weeks. I am so in love with this product! For the first time in my life I have wonderful lashes. I did start using the AQ Eye serum and when this came out I started using it too. I stopped using the serum because I was testing the Arcona Peptide Eye serum so it came at a good time.
I have new growth and thickness. I wish I had taken before and after pictures. It is well worth the price of $135 to me. I am still on my 1st bottle and the only thing I would like is more of the applicators. I have used q-tips but it doesn’t do the job quite as well.
I am very pleased with the results. I had no burning or irritation either. Great product and I will keep buying this one.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Marta
Hello Ang
I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed with the product and our customer service. Specifically, regarding eye lash growth products, it can be that in the short term there is increased shedding of lashes because the product is speeding up the growth cycle. As a result things may look worse before they look better. We have a 30-day return policy for all products. AQ Lash is meant to be used for precisely 30 days and is packaged with a number of application wands for that period. Nevertheless we will have a think about whether we should modify our return policy period for some products where appropriate.Thank you for bringing it to my attention. And I am glad to hear that you are enjoying AQ's facial serum.
5 stars 1 out of 5
by ang
I am EXTREMELY disappointed in this product, and in TIA to be honest. I would give it no stars if possible. Not only did it not work for me, it actually made my lashes look worse (thinner, shorter, lighter). I have used it for just a couple days shy of 6 weeks, exactly as directed. In fact, I even contacted AQ directly to clarify and confirm the application directions soon after I received it from TIA. And to top it off, TIA won't refund me because I've gone beyond their 30 day return window, which, by the way, doesn't work for lash products in general since you're supposed to use them for longer than 30 days to see results. $135 down the drain...ouch. Buyers beware. I also want to mention that I use the AQ face serum and have been very happy with the results.
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Wendy
This serum is truly remarkable!
5 stars 5 out of 5
by Maggie
I love this !
Actually I tried all AQ products ! ready my lips " THEY ARE THE BEST PRODUCTS OUT THERE"
Love you Marta ! xox