I just read somewhere that "cellulite and liposuction go hand in hand". Cellulite is a bummer. It can happen at any age and even to the relatively svelte (as can be witnessed by this pic of Britney during her skinny phase). Exercise helps, but I appreciate that no one wants to hear that. Before a beach vacation - or some other occasion that requires more than just good self-esteem - I would recommend a slimming wrap treatment. Just don't expect the effects to last. So what about something more drastic, like liposuction.

Liposuction is a technique that vacuums the fat deposits that make up cellulite from under the skin. The problem is that it also sucks out the cushion of fat that is just under the skin and when that happens the dimpling, orange peel appearance that you were trying to get rid of in the first place actually looks worse.

So liposuction for cellulite has to be performed with another treatment that smooths out the overall appearance. One of the treatments recommended is called Endermologie. It has been used in France for years and was relatively recently approved by the FDA. The good thing is that it is non-invasive.

Endermologie uses two adjustable rollers which also suck. The skin is folded and unfolded under the rollers and this is supposed to decrease the density of the subcutaneous fat layer. Although this sounds distinctly uncomfortable, people who have experienced Endermologie say that it doesn't hurt and what's more they say it works. With a significant caveat. Around 15-20 sessions are needed to see any visible results and it absolutely has to be maintained with a monthly session.

Liposuction alone will only really work if you are no more than five to ten pounds above your ideal weight, are well-toned and just have a few stubborn patches of cellulite that regular exercise can't budge.