Today is American Business Women’s Day, which was officially enacted in 1983 and celebrates all working women. In its honor, we here at Truth In Aging decided to give a shout out to some of our favorite ladies and the fabulous beauty brands that they’ve created, launched, and successfully develop every day.

Nataly Giter of E’Shee Clinical Esthetic

Nataly has a lot to be proud of; she has been a skin care professional for two decades, and is an honored member of Cambridge Who’s Who, among other accomplishments. But founding the very science-driven E’Shee has got to be her number one.

Some of our favorite E’Shee products here at TIA include the Vitalizing ‘C’ Serum and Cellular Repair Serum.

Dr. Teri Dourmashkin of La Vie Celeste

One of the best things about La Vie Celeste products is that they are both luxurious and “green” at the same time – a rare combination. Teri developed her skincare line carefully; it was fifteen years in the making and finally came to fruition after she got her PhD and experimented with various base creams and ingredients. Today, La Vie Celseste is one of TIA’s favorite product lines.

In terms of being a career woman, Teri advises:

“One of the most important things I would say is to NEVER give up in terms of pursuing your dreams.  We all deserve to do something every day that gives us true purpose and meaning.  Getting to where you want to be, whether it is an entrepreneur or working for someone else will undoubtedly come with its own set of obstacles and barriers from time to time.  The key is to face the disappointments and frustrations, truly have your feelings about them, and then keep on going.  If you set your intention on what you want and focus on that, it will become a reality.  Planting the seeds for success starts with our thoughts until it becomes a physical reality.

What I love most about owning my own company is being my own boss.  While that certainly comes with its own set of stressors, I love the freedom of taking a leadership position and having complete creative control.  Having said that, I honor and respect each and every person who works along side me and am always open to what I can learn from them…learning from one another is one of the biggest gifts we can share!

I am very proud of the passion, dedication and perseverance that I continue to have in terms of launching my business.  At times this can be a very difficult process on many levels.  However, knowing that I have created a wonderful product line that many enjoy gives me a tremendous sense of pride, personal fulfillment, and gratitude.  It’s all good!”

Karen Behnke of Juice Beauty

It’s clear that Karen has always been a goal-oriented woman – she built one of the first corporate wellness companies in the country. After becoming pregnant with her first child at the age of 40, she launched Juice Beauty, knowing that what you put on your skin is far more important than people may think.

Karen’s advice for women is to avoid checking out of their careers – even when they start their families - because it becomes so hard to get back in again. Her ambition for Juice Beauty is for it to be known not just as being all organic, but also as a brand that truly delivers products that really perform.

She has us convinced!

Tricia Trimble of Suntegrity Skincare

The first thing I need to say is that Suntegrity is the only sunscreen I use. Really! And I’m not a sunscreen person. Tricia has realized her passion by creating a safe, effective sunscreen (and dietary supplement), after switching careers and dealing with a personal loss.

Tricia advises, “Your career is an extension of you. Use you talents and abilities to spread love and joy. No matter what your current job is (even if it's just a stepping stone on the way to your dream job), you have the ability to positively impact others by spreading your love, joy and kindness. And when you do this, synchronicities seem to manifest themselves toward your ultimate goals.

I was able to take a leap of faith and step out of my comfort zone (ie. leave a successful, high-paying career), to go into the unknown and eventually start a company that has heart and meaning for me. By setting my intention and taking 3 foot tosses towards my goals, Suntegrity manifested into the company it is today.”

Cherie Dobbs of Dermastart

Cherie is innovative, to say the least. Everyone here at TIA was unfamiliar with skincare targeted at menopausal women, but after hearing Cherie describe her ideas, it became obvious that she is onto something big. And that’s just one of Dermastart’s niches; ClearChoice is targeted towards people who need prescription-level products, while Prana is the more luxurious line.

Cherie's advice for business women: "When you start planting any 'idea' in your head such as a company, product, or service, its important that you surround yourself with positive people.  It takes a mentally strong support team to get you to that level of continuous forward direction.  People can be afraid of failure but it is important to realize that a failure is really a lesson in which you learn to get to the next level."

Francine Porter of Osmotics

Francine's goal is for Osmotics to become the world’s premier cosmeceutical company. Given the success and effectiveness of their breakthrough hair growth and cellular lifespan enhancing products, however, it appears they have the walk to back up their talk. Osmotics has created a good deal of web buzz, including on TIA, for introducing ingredients like teprenone and carnosine to extend the Hayflick Limit in their Renovage line, and thanks to the work researchers looking to aid hair growth in recovering chemo patients, Osmotics appropriated that technology and launched their FNS line of serums, shampoos, and enhancers featuring 18 different amino acids for growth, and tetrahydrocurcumin, a powerful antioxidant

Pauline Youngblood of Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics

Pauline founded Youngblood in 1996 to create a makeup line that would give great cover but do no harm to skin traumatized by rosacea, inflammation, acne or cosmetic surgery. Her first product is the now iconic loose mineral foundation, formulated to cover discolored or inflamed skin while still allowing it to breathe. Youngblood continues with Pauline's original values - passion for providing the healthiest, highest quality products, empowering women to look and feel their best.

Products by these amazing ladies are available in the Truth In Aging shop.