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Being vain, but also timid when it comes to anything that might hurt (I beg for a general anaesthetic whenever I get my teeth cleaned), the only thing I've really dared to try is a microcurrent facial.
Once a month I visit my facialist, Ildi Pekar. I met her about four years ago when she was working for the ultra-famous, tender to the stars, Tracie Martyn. Madonna is a regular visitor to the rather dingy downtown salon and Susan Sarandon is said to carry the serum in her purse. For me the draw was the resculpting facial and, increasingly, an appreciation of Ilde's special touch.
Ildi is Hungarian (for reasons that I haven't pinned down, Eastern Europe is leads the world in advanced skincare). She is endlessly curious about natural skincare; thinks one should care much more about firm skin structure and muscle tone than fine lines if one wants to stay looking young; and, as previously noted, she has magic fingers. Back at Tracie Martyn all the facialists follow the same routine (by the way doen't expect to get Tracie unless are Liv Tyler - saying you are related to Liv Tyler won't work) but I soon learned that each of them was somehow different. Loyal to Ildi, I followed her when she left to start up on her own at snug and calming rooms near Grand Central Station.
At the heart of her facials is a machine that delivers low level electric currents to fight sagging and puffiness by delivering a tiny charge that stimulates facial muscles (I believe that the system was originally designed by doctors to help stroke victims regain movement). Face and neck muscles feel toned - the equivalent of having done bicep curls. The process is enormously relaxing and it does result in a youthful glow. I've been doing this for at least four years and remain a believer. Its supposed to increase elastin by 48% and collagen by 14%. I can report a toned and relaxed look . However, be warned, it does not get rid of wrinkles.
October 17, 2009
by marta
Hi Joan, I'll look into it, but my understanding of microcurrent is that that machine itself is not the main issue (although they need to be at the proper frequencies and preferably have multiple settings), but how they are used. The practitioner is almost trying to sculpt the face with the metal prongs and it takes practice. Have a look at our <a href="" rel="nofollow">video</a>( demonstrating the treatment to see what I mean. Still, I'll have a look at what's out there.
October 17, 2009
by Joan
Marta, have you ever considered trialing and reviewing any of the microcurrent machines made for home use? Like the galvanic spa?
There are no salons in my small town that offer microcurrent facials and it sounds wonderful. Just wondering if we have any options. Thanks!
September 15, 2009
by Janet
If you use the hand held micro current machine on other parts of your body, ie your delicate skin on your neck and chest, could the current affect your heart?
July 4, 2009
by Beth
Thank you, Marta (and thanks to Ildi)! That makes sense.
July 3, 2009
by marta
Beth, I checked with Ildi Pekar my esthetician and she recommends starting with once a week for three weeks and then going monthly. She says that any more than that is a waste of time because the facial muscles are fairly week and will only respond so much. However, she was at great pains to add that it also depends on the type of machine used. Hers has adjustable settings and is relatively powerful. A weaker machine may require more visits. Hope that helps.