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I was never much into microdermabrasion until recently when the Trophy Skin Rejuvederm ($199 in the shop) came into my life and was so easy to use and effective that it became part of my beauty ritual. I started to become curious as to what was going on. Is microdermabrasion more than sandblasting your skin? I set off to find out the truth about microdermabrasion and here is what I discovered:
Microdermabrasion is a form of exfoliation that removes the top layer of dead skin cells and uneven, thicker layers of skin. Professional machines use crystal and diamond microdermabrasion tips. The crystals are sprayed and the machine follows by vacuuming them. The suction or vacuum action also serves to pull the skin closer to the sandy disc in order to abrade the skin and remove dead cells. Home devices do not spray and use crystal or diamond tips. Typically, unlike with professional machines, the amount of suction cannot be controlled. Although the above mentioned Rejuvaderm is the exception to the rule—more on this below.
Fun fact: Microdermabrasion was invented in Italy in the 1980s.
Microdermabrasion is a technique that “abrades” the skin. Literally, abrade means to scrape. If properly administered, microdermabrasion is painless, can be repeated at short intervals and is very quick to perform, with no downtime.
The ablation is fairly superficial and is affecting the epidermis.
Since microdermabrasion is confined to the epidermis, it can treat superficial scarring, fine lines and hyperpigmentation.
One research study reviewed the available literature and concluded: “Microdermabrasion appears to be a procedure that can produce changes in dermal matrix constituents and result in improvement in skin contour irregularities. It may also be beneficial in improving transepidermal delivery of certain medications. Its role in the treatment of dyschromias and acne vulgaris is limited."
I have noticed smoother skin and some faint improvement in hypopigmentation in six weeks of thrice weekly at-home treatments. And Truth In Aging community member, Kimberly, has seen great results on hyperpigmentation, as can be seen in her before/after pictures.
According to Yale School of Medicine, microdermabrasion maximizes blood flow to the skin's surface and stimulates collagen growth. I was surprised by the collagen claims and set about trying to find verification. I did find a small study (10 people who had six treatments at 7-10 day intervals) that found that “collagen fibers in treated patients showed hyalinization with thicker, more tightly packed, horizontally oriented collagen bundles, compared with controls. Improved appearance of elastic fibers and changes in microcirculation were noted with increased inflammatory activity in the treated group, as compared to controls.”
However, another study of a similar size and scope concluded that there was “no significant change in collagen or elastin content was noted.”
An article in The Dermatologist that rounds up these and other studies sums them up this way: “Clearly there remains controversy as to whether or not microdermabrasion is efficacious.”
I hesitate to include this, but for full disclosure I will—with the caveat, don’t try this at home. University of Michigan researchers claim that “rough buffing” does a better job of removing wrinkles and acne scars and stimulating healing than a gentler rubbing. They used a course-grit diamond tip and found that it increased cytokeratin 16, which helps skin heal after injury. In addition, the coarse-grit buffing produced “antimicrobial peptides that fight infection and substances that break down the skin's structural proteins to let the skin rebuild.” The researchers also found that skin produced other substances that induce collagen production.
While there may be something to this, others believe that gentle treatments are cumulative over time. Certainly that would be the better approach to take if you are DIY-ing.
These days, there’s a reasonable selection of at-home microdermabrasion devices. The great thing about this treatment is that it only takes a few minutes—or just seconds if you are targeting just a couple of areas. Moving the device tip over the skin should be done carefully and smoothly, but two passes per area is the maximum.
Riiviva Microderm Device ($299) is an at-home microdermabrasion kit with a medical-grade, diamond tip.
Personal Microderm System ($179 in the shop) has aluminum oxide crystal discs with options for gentle and moderate. The PMD boasts a spinning disc, but the suction cannot be controlled.
Trophy Skin Rejuvaderm MD ($199 in the shop) has a diamond tip and an extremely easy to change filter system. Unusually for an at-home device, there are four power levels of suction.
Trophy Skin MicrodermMD ($299 in the shop). The nearest thing to a professional machine, it has finely compressed diamond peeling tips combined with a medical-grade vacuum mechanism.
For the fainthearted, there are some scrubs that claim to emulate microdermabrasion. They are not to be compared with the real thing, but they are not your mother’s facial scrub and you will notice the difference:
Your Best Face Prep Microdermabrasion ($80 in the shop). Like the PMD device, Prep utilizes aluminum oxide crystals, although here they are incorporated into a cream that also has antioxidants and peptides.
Osmotics Micro Peel Resurfacing System ($86 in the shop). A three-step system with a charcoal mask, “Micro Peel” with AHAs to exfoliate and a finishing cream. Brightens and resurfaces the skin.
Sciote Micro Derm Crème ($60 in the shop). This also uses aluminum oxide crystals along with shea butter, jojoba and grape seed oils.
June 11, 2015
by Marta
Hi Ginger, a razor - used safely! - would not abrade to the same extent. If it did, men would have great complexions.
June 10, 2015
by Ginger Berman
how about shaving with a razor? does that produce similar results?
June 10, 2015
by lisa m
I would love to try the Trophy Skin Rejuvaderm. I would love to do this at home on a weekly basis to take care of my skin. I have an exfoliating scrub that I use 2-3 times a week at home and I occasionally get facials/peels when I have extra money...but having Trophy Skin Rejuvaderm would step up my skin care regime up a notch and be really an effective tool! I'm 44 and I wear sunscreen daily, I moisturize, I exfoliate but at this age...I need to do more for myself to reduce hyperpigmentation and to make my skin look fresher, minimize lines while doing microdermabrasion at home frequently and make my skin look younger and firmer. Makeup would go on better too because my skin would be smoother because I eliminated old skin! This tool would be so effective and make me look as young as how I feel! Thank you for this opportunity!
June 10, 2015
by Mary Rains
A few years ago, I was vacationing w/my sister in Europe and went to a spa in Switzerland where the aesthetician did some light microdermabrasion. Included in the treatment was a type of suction which felt like a massage on my face, such a heavenly feeling. I woke up the next day and truly my skin felt so soft, and it glowed. It also felt like my skin - and not just the upper layer, but down deep - had been awakened. My sister and I both were so happy w/ the results, even w/ different types of skin (mine-dry and dull, hers-oily and acne-prone). The results lasted a month, it was like a miracle. I have chased that elusive treatment ever since, but no spa I've been to here in the states has used the suction, and I felt that's what set that treatment apart. The suction is what felt so incredibly good, and stimulated the underlying skin to "wake up." I'd love to try one of the Trophy skin devices to see if I can capture that same great outcome for my dull, blotchy, tired skin.
June 10, 2015
by Maria
I just spent the weekend with my sister who is 4 years older. I felt I looked at least 5 years older than her. I used to get microdermabrasion before but since I had to retire, budget is an issue. I know collagen turnover plays a huge part in skin resurface so I would love to try the mini MD!